Attics • Bars • Basements • Bedrooms • Closets • Crawl Spaces • Dining Rooms • Family Rooms • Garages • Hobby Rooms • Kitchens • Laundry Rooms • Living Rooms • Sheds • Shelves • Spare Rooms • Storage Units • Tool Rooms
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Household Liquidation Specialist™

The above before and after photos represent a small cross section of the attics that we have cleaned out. Following are just some of the many items that are found stored in attics that must be sorted through and prepared for sale, recycling, donation or the trash...
Christmas lights, balls and decorations, plastic Santa Claus, tablecloths, towels, wedding dress, invitations, greeting cards, grandma`s hats, blue suede shoes, boots, flip-flops, stuffed animals, camping equipment, tent, hammock, skis, poles, snow shoes, snow sled, fur coats, antique wooden coat rack, tuxedo, baby clothes, shoes, linens, cribs, high chair, old Ray-O-Vac batteries, golf clubs, Aurora slot racing set, fishing pole, tackle box, lures, nets, fans, portable heater, old toys, building blocks, rocking horse, Lionel train set, Mattel Barbie dolls, creepy crawlers, thing maker, robots, candles, lamps, railroad lantern, Red Rider BB gun, baseball equipment, balls, bats, gloves, fireplace tools, quilts, blankets, clothing, macrame, corner shelf, comic books, Sunday funnies, old tube radio, black & white TV, roof antenna, silver artificial Christmas tree, and stand, manger scene, wreaths, vases, grandpa`s pipes, pottery, china, earthenware, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving decorations, holiday wrapping paper, bicycles, yarn, knitting, sewing, cookie jar full of Green Stamps, jewelry box, plastic flowers, crafts, high school yearbooks, prom dress, boxing gloves, umbrellas, hangers, wind chimes, wicker baskets, porcelain sinks, girlie magazines, books, maps, letters, old newspaper clippings, photographs, picture albums, phonograph records, picture frames, paintings, pocket watch, vintage toys, old Navy uniform, American flag, WWII medals, clutter, junk, etc.
Would you know what to keep, what to recycle, what to donate? Do you have the time that it takes to do a thorough job?

If you are thinking of having your roof replaced, especially if you are told that you need a complete tear off, then you should consider emptying it out completely now!
No matter how careful a job the roofers do, there is going to be a considerable amount of roofing debris that rains down on whatever is in the attic.
This debris includes, but is not limited to: animal fur, bird feathers, dust, grit, nails, sawdust, sediment, shingle & tar paper pieces, vegetation, wood chips, etc. Not only does this become a nuisance and costly expense to clean up under normal circumstances, but a much more costly expense in the long run due to the damage that this debris does.
When this debris settles onto boxes, bags, clothing, etc, the organic properties are absorbed into and, more often than not, damage the contents.
Covering up everything with tarps helps but does not eliminate the problems. Large canvas tarps are cumbersome and costly. Polyethylene tarps are lightweight, less costly, but also less effective. Investing in totes is a better idea but still does not eliminate the problem. Clear totes are best so that you can see what is inside. Solid color totes are generally heavy duty, of better quality, and are designed to withstand more abuse. Clear totes tend to be thinner, are more fragile, and crack more easily. The alternating hot summers and cold winters that WNY experiences tends to damage items left in attics over multiple decades.
Avoid stacking items against and/or storing items near a chimney as we have found that this is where most of the damaged items are found. As times goes on weather conditions cause the mortar between the bricks to break down. As chimneys begin to deteriorate, water seeps in through the spaces left behind where the mortar once tightly bound the bricks together.