You can ask us as many questions as necessary because... We Deliver What We Promise!

Household Liquidation Specialist™

Q11: How long does it take to empty out a house?
A11: Each house is different. On average, a 2-4 bedroom home with an attic, basement and 2 car garage usually takes 100-150 labor hours to properly process.

Q12: What if I need a dumpster?
A12: We make all arrangements for the delivery, pickup and payment of any dumpster(s), if needed.

Q13: What goes inside a dumpster?
A13: A dumpster is only needed if there are a large number of damaged, unsellable, unusable items and/or a large quantity of trash!

Q14: Do you throw out new or used items into a dumpster?
A14: None of your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc, useable items will be thrown into a dumpster. We will make every effort to repurpose and/or upcycle as much as we possibly can.

Q15: What should I do with all of the food in the house?
A15: We take care of any food that is in the house. We make regular donations to area pantries that can use food that has not expired.

Q16: Do you dispose of any household chemicals and paints?
A16: Absolutely! We properly dispose of any hazardous material and paints according to all local, state and federal codes.

Q17: Should I sell my appliances with my house?
A17: Ask your realtor. As a general rule, if all of the appliances are less than 3 years old and match in color and manufacturer, they have a better chance of recouping some of their original value when selling with the house.

Q18: What larger Items are not trending?
A18: Large furniture Items like dining room sets, entertainment centers, projection TV`s, pianos, ping pong tables, pool tables, bedroom sets, health equipment like weight machines and treadmills are not trending.

Q19: What smaller Items are not trending?
A19: Smaller Items like china service sets for 4, 8, 12, 16 are not trending and are becoming more difficult to sell. Remember these fifteen (15) words: "Today, most people eat pizza and chicken wings in their family room on paper plates!"™

Q20: What is trending?
A20: All small Vintage Items have been trending for quite some time because they are easy to ship.

AES Roofs

© 1986- Andrew's Estate Service