Attics • Bars • Basements • Bedrooms • Crawl Spaces • Dining Rooms • Family Rooms • Garages • Hobby Rooms • Kitchens • Laundry Rooms • Living Rooms • Sheds • Shelves • Spare Rooms • Storage Units • Tool Rooms
Call the rest, then hire the best because... We Deliver What We Promise!

These are just some of the many items that are found stored in garages that must be sorted through and prepared for sale, recycling, donation or the trash...
Air compressors, aluminum windows, ant traps, barbeque grills, baseball bats & mits, bicycles, black top sealer, boats, bolts, bowling balls, brickes, bug sprays, bungee cords, camping equipment, camping equipment, carpentry tools, cars, caulk, Christmas holiday decorations, cinder blocks, cleaning supplies, clothesline, croquet set, doors, duct tape, duct tape, extension cords, fertilizer, fire pits, flashlights, footballs, fountains, garbage cans & lids, garden hoses, gardening supplies, gas can, generators, golf clubs, hammers, hedge trimmers, hoes, household repair items, ice scrapers, jumper cables, junk., ladders, lawn chairs, lawn sprinklers, lawnmower, motor oil, motorcycles, nails, nuts, paint, paint brushes, paint thinner, painters caulk, patio tables, patio umbrella, plastic wire ties, pliers, plywood, pogo sticks, pool filters, radios, rags, rakes, recycling totes, refrigerator, repair projects, rock salt, rope, sandpaper, saws, scooters, scrap wood, screens, screws, sheet metal, shingles, shop vacs, shovels, siding, skateboards, skis, sleds, snow blower, spare freezers, spare tires, sports equipment, stain, stereos, storage totes, storm windows, tennis rackets, tools, tvs, unicycles, unsold garage sale items, vans, washers, weed killer, weed wackers, wood pieces, wood chippers, work gloves, workbench, wrenches, etc.
Would you know what to keep, what to recycle, what to donate? Do you have the time that it takes to do a thorough job?