Attics • Bars • Basements • Bedrooms • Closets • Crawl Spaces • Dining Rooms • Family Rooms • Garages • Hobby Rooms • Kitchens • Laundry Rooms • Living Rooms • Sheds • Shelves • Spare Rooms • Storage Units • Tool Rooms
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Living Rooms
The above before and after photos represent a small cross section of the living rooms that we have cleaned out. Following are just some of the many items that are found stored in living rooms that must be sorted through and prepared for sale, recycling, donation or the trash...
Armchairs, armoire, bar, basket, bean bag chair, bed, bench, bentwood chairs, bergere chairs, blinds, bookcase, bookshelf, breakfront, buffet, bunk bed, bureau, cabinet, canopy, captain`s chair, card chair, card table, carpet, cart, ceiling fans, chair, chaise lounge, chandelier, chest, china cabinet, clothes closet, club chair, coffee table, console, console tv`s, cot, couch, cradle, credenza, crib, cubbies, cupboard, curio, curio cabinets, curtains, cushion, deck, desk, dining chair, director`s chair, display cabinet, divan, divider, drapery, drapes, drawers, dresser, drum tables, easel, easy chair, electronic equipment, electronics, end tables, entertainment centers, fateuil, fireplace, fireplace screen, flat screen TV, folding chair, folding table, footrest, footstool, four-poster, furnishings, furniture, futon, game table, garden, gateleg table, glider, grandfather clock, grandmother clock, hall tree, hammock, hanging lamps, hassock, hat rack, headboard, highchair, hope chest, hutch, island, ladderback chair, lamp, lamp shades, leather chairs, lift chair, light, lintel bench, lounge chair, lounger, loveseat, mantle, mattress, mirror, murphy bed, nightstand, office furniture, ottoman, paintings, pantry, park bench, patio chair, pew, piano bench, picnic table, pillows, plant stand, porch swing, projection TV, rack, recliner, rocker, rocking chair, room divider, rugs, sconce, seat, secretary, sectional, settee, shades, shelf, shoji screen, sideboard, sleeper sofa, sofa table, sofabed, speakers, stereo systems, stool, swing lamp, table, tansu chest, tea cart, television, throne, throw rug, tree, trundle bed, tuffet, tv trays, valet, vanity, venetian blinds, vitrine, wall units, wardrobe, waste, waterbed, window seat, windsor chair, wing chair, work table, writing desk, writing table, etc.
Would you know what to keep, what to recycle, what to donate? Do you have the time that it takes to do a thorough job?