Attics • Bars • Basements • Bedrooms • Crawl Spaces • Dining Rooms • Family Rooms • Garages • Hobby Rooms • Kitchens • Laundry Rooms • Living Rooms • Sheds • Shelves • Spare Rooms • Storage Units • Tool Rooms
Call the rest, then hire the best because... We Deliver What We Promise!

The above before and after photos represent a small cross section of the sheds that we have cleaned out. Following are just some of the many items that are found stored in sheds that must be sorted through and prepared for sale, recycling, donation or the trash...
BBQ grills, bricks, cabinets, chemicals, clay pots, clutter, excercise equipment, garbage cans, garden supplies, golf clubs, hoses, junk, ladders, lawn mowers, logs, lumber, outdoor Christmas decorations, paints, patio furniture, plastic buckets, plastic lawn chairs, redwood furniture, lawn rollers, scrap metals, screens, shelving, shingles, shovels, sleds, snow blowers, storm windows, tables, tool benches, tool boxes, tools, tractors, wheelbarrows, wooden shelves, etc.
Would you know what to keep, what to recycle, what to donate? Do you have the time that it takes to do a thorough job?