Attics • Bars • Basements • Bedrooms • Closets • Crawl Spaces • Dining Rooms • Family Rooms • Garages • Hobby Rooms • Kitchens • Laundry Rooms • Living Rooms • Sheds • Shelves • Spare Rooms • Storage Units • Tool Rooms
Call the rest, then hire the best because... We Deliver What We Promise!
Household Liquidation Specialist™

Spare Rooms
The above before and after photos represent a small cross section of the spare rooms, libraries, greenhouses, sunrooms, home gyms and offices that we have cleaned out. Following are just some of the many items that are found stored in spare rooms and offices that must be sorted through and prepared for sale, recycling, donation or the trash...
Exercise equipment, barbels, weights, books, bicycles, metal desks, drafting tables, lamps, office chairs, file cabinets, plants, plant stands, spare chests of drawers, rugs, etc.
We also take care of shredding important documents, such as old tax returns, bank records, medical records, x-rays, etc, as well as, cumulated household bills like gas, electric, telephone, etc.
Would you know what to keep, what to sell, what to recycle, what to donate? Do you have the time that it takes to do a thorough job?

We do protect your identity!
We do shred all personal confidential paper-based documents!
Let AES do the work for you saving you the cost of purchasing a paper shredder and the time it takes to perform the work.
These may include address labels, ATM receipts, bank records, bank statements, birth certificate copies, cable tv bills, canceled and voided checks, carbon copies, college ids, contracts, credit and charge card bills, credit reports and histories, documents containing names, documents relating to investments. documents containing passwords or pin numbers, diplomas, driver`s licenses, electric, employee id badges, employee pay stubs, employment records, expired passports and visas, gas, identification cards, important documents, income tax returns, internet bills, investment ledgers, items with a signature, leases, legal documents, love letters, luggage tags, medical and dental records, military ids, negatives, papers with a social security number, permits, personal files, phone numbers or e-mail addresses, photographs, pre-approved credit card applications, receipts with checking account numbers, report cards, resumes, school papers, state ids, stock and property transactions, summaries and receipts, tax forms, telephone bills, transcripts, travel itineraries, used airline tickets, utility bills, water bills, etc.