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Storage Units
These are just some of the many items that are found stored in storage units that must be sorted through and prepared for sale, recycling, donation or the trash...
Bedroom sets, go carts, pedal cars, little tikes, water beds, mattresses, beds, head boards, frames, dressers, bureaus, mirrors, closets, hangers, clothes,
dining room sets, hutches, tables, leaves, table pads, end chairs, arm chairs, china cabinets, buffets, side boards, Easter decorations, yearbooks,
living room sets, sofas, chairs, rockers, tables, lamps, televisions, stereos, record players, records, victrola, pianos, organs, cloth furniture, wood furniture, Thanksgiving Decorations, carpentry tools, pliers, wrenches, hammers, saws, vises, camping equipment, sports equipment, golf clubs, croquet set, tennis rackets, footballs, baseball bats & mitts, bowling balls, shop vacs, vacuum cleaners, screws, nails, washers, nuts, bolts, rags, cleaning supplies, recycling totes, garbage cans & lids, duct tape, painters caulk, jumper cables, rope, clothesline, clothes pins, hangers, sandpaper, workbench, tools, plywood, sheet metal, scrap wood, mirrors, repair projects, washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, freezers, bars, bar stools, train tables, race car tracks, rocking horses, old vintage toys, Christmas holiday decorations, storage totes, gardening supplies, patio umbrella, lawn chairs, patio tables, barbecue grills, pool tables, ping pong tables, pool filters, ladders, storm windows, screens, doors, fertilizer, weed killer, ant traps, bug sprays, plastic flowers, pots & pans, snow blower, lawnmower, trophies, statues, couches, books, paintings, Halloween decorations, dressers, metal shelves, mason jars, newspapers, extension cords, generators, air compressors, bungee cords, work gloves, duct tape, cleaning supplies, paint, stain, motor oil, gas can, spare tires, black top sealer, paint brushes, paint thinner, radios, stereos, tvs, camping equipment, plastic wire ties, flashlights, unsold garage sale items, relatives estate items, household repair items, cars, car parts, boats, boat motors, canoes, motorcycles, bicycles, unicycles, skateboards, pogo sticks, sleds, skis, scooters, clutter, junk, etc.
Would you know what to keep, what to recycle, what to donate? Do you have the time that it takes to do a thorough job?

The first and foremost tip is to not place anything into storage, if at all possible!
Tip number two... If you must place something into storage do it only for a short term of less than a few months. I cannot tell you how many of our clients have had items in a storage unit for several years or longer. Some of them have paid thousands of dollars in rental fees without realizing that the items in the storage unit are worth less than several hundred dollars.
Tip number three... If you must place items in a storage unit decide whether you need outdoor storage or indoor storage which is climate controlled. A good rule to follow is if you plan to store items that you would normally store in your garage then you can get away with outdoor storage. However if you are planning on storing items that you would normally use inside your home then we would strongly recommend climate controlled indoor storage.
We have seen beautiful living room and bedroom furniture, which have been stored in outdoor storage units for only a few months, ruined from the natural elements of rodents, insects, humidity, heat, cold, etc.
We have also seen plastic patio furniture, garden tools, lawn mowers stored in the more costly climate controlled indoor storage.
Finally, if you currently are paying for a storage unit and are planning to empty it out expect to pay more in cold snowy weather than in warm sunny weather. We have warm weather rates and cold weather rates.